Mom’s Credo

by Lillian Barden

In December of 1991, Lillian wrote her “Credo,” her statement of beliefs, in a class on Building Your Own Theology.  Here’s what she wrote:

I believe:

  • In the joy and promise of learning and questioning
  • That discipline and order are necessary for progress
  • That loving and touching are necessary for survival
  • In the ability of people to change and understand each other
  • That I am responsible for my own acts and their consequences
  • That we continue in some way that is unknown to me
  • In people’s basic goodness and helpfulness
  • That evil is created only by ignorance
  • That happiness is possible and attainable
  • That the joy of life lies in being of use to others
  • In the power of women to change the world
  • That only in community are we heard and believed
  • That the human soul finds its voice in music
  • That in language we can live forever
  • That laughter is the song of friendship
  • That to be honest is more important than to be believed.


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